Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Jack The VampireJack The Vampire (by Verly)

It was about when Vampire was very common in England. That’s why until now vampire becomes a mystic folklore in England. And the story coming from the South of England.

Long time ago, there live a cursed boy of a family who was saved in one deepest forest. His name was Jack and he used to be the first of Vampire. He had a crow as his friend that could speak. Crow’s name was Lezh which was so talkative, stupid, and sloppy. But he was so loyal with Jack. They lived together at that quiet forest. No other human.

Every night Jack and Lezh always hunted for a pig to be eaten. And Lezh often told him about human existence outside.

Time by time Jack began understanding of what all Lezh had explained. Till he wanted to find that life where mankind lived. So Lezh suggested him to around the world. Because Lezh didn’t know about the direction, so they started going to one way which brought them to the North.

On the way of his traveling, he found some pigs at one farmer’s yard, so he bit them till the farmer shouted at him not to eat his pigs. And farmer’s sons came out to beat jack. Jack bit one of them till he’s blooding and fainting. But his family guessed him die. So, Jack and Lezh ran away there.

A days after, that person who was bitten, became alive to be another vampire and killed other people every night with perfect moon. So Vampires was getting more and more.

That incident was heard by King Edmund who actually knew about vampire’s history. He was the one who cursed Jack to be a vampire because he had a vengeance to Jack’s parents so he joined the evil to create another evil that’s vampire.

One day he invited his people to kill all vampires especially Jack. Edmund knew all about Jack from Evil.

Jack got know about that info, so Lezh gave him solutions. They made some tricks when all people gathered the palace to kill Jack.

At that time, Edmund did a ritual procesion to call Jack. Jack came immedietely and killed Edmund with his own blade. And Jack tried to explain people about the real of him that he’s kind and the reason why there was glow of murder caused by vampire. At last he offered a way out to clear that problem that he would kill vampire with something that they didn’t like. It was garlic.

Finally, Jack gave people way how to kill vampires well. And vampires died including Jack at last.

Anak-anak KAJIS

Let me introduce anak-anak GELLAA di bawah ini:

Yang pake rok and so sweet banget pojok kiri namanya
biasa dipanggil IDUT...
anaknya tuh bawel,childish,tukang ngambek,hehehe

trus di samping shavira humaira, yang pake kerudung pink and bibirnya so sexy namanya
biasa dipanggil EMO...
anaknya tuh aneh, dia sering banget keseleo bibirnya kalo lagi ngoong...
but she is NICE...ahahha

Beda halnya dengan tokoh NDUT berbaju UNGU purpleeee....
die namanya
biasa dipanggil INGGIT, NYAI, or MAMIH...
beliau orangnya dewasa thats why panggilanya kolot semuaaa....wkwkwk

berpindah ke si kerudung item....doi namanya
biasa dipanggil EME or AYAM...
kenapa ayam???
soalnya panggilan dia sama cowonya ugly itu ay ay ay...
dipanjangin deh jadi AYAMMMMMGORENG....

NAH yang terakhir cewe lucu yang lagi ngangap namanya
biasa dipanggil VERLY ...
kalo yang mau kenal lebih lanjut sama dia bisa add facebooknya ke VERLY VERLOTHE
or twitternya @verlothee ...

sekian narsisan dari gue and temen2 gue...
wakakakakkakakak.... babayyy....