Senin, 15 Desember 2008

Let me erase myself to reincarnate

the wall which I face..
its the worst which I claimed..
open or close my eyes,,even my tears..
its not be one thing that u see..
although there's waves get me lost..
the rainbow will never suport me on my trouble,,
here's standing alone and waiting the waves curse me become its sand..
no one's beside me!
and just painting myself on my hope well..
i wanna get myselfto forget you this moment!
here's damn..damn..damn...

let me erase myself to reincarnate!!!

I've got the black parades of my mind

sure, this is the life that I face.. where I stand, and where I get my breath away.. and the true is not always nice my feeling,, even it's sadness.. but, thet's better than lie,, just the black parades of my life,, sometimes I ask myself : "is there reincarnation for me??" it's the damn question, maybe.. but, impossible is nothing!!!!!! diging my brain to find the solution.. but, every my breath is the damn for this time! I wanna get the congclution of my life.. but it doesn't mean that I've died... I just need my rainbow to support me just for my smiLe.. believe or not ... but it drops me CRAZY!!!!sedih

Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

Perbedaan antara POP email dan Web-based email :

1. Email berbasis pop3 dapat dibuka hanya oleh komputerpemakai,sedangkan emai berbasis web, bisa dilihat oleh siapa saja yang sedang mengakses internet
2. Pop3 -> dapat membaca email secara offline, sedangkan email secara web harus tersambung dengan internet.

the meAning og FTP (file transfer protocol)

FTP (singkatan dari File Transfer Protocol) adalah sebuah protokol Internet yang berjalan di dalam lapisan aplikasi yang merupakan standar untuk pentransferan berkas (file) komputer antar mesin-mesin dalam sebuah internetwork.