it's not really special... because my blog is about my diary... check my plot of life..
Senin, 15 Desember 2008
Let me erase myself to reincarnate
its the worst which I claimed..
open or close my eyes,,even my tears..
its not be one thing that u see..
although there's waves get me lost..
the rainbow will never suport me on my trouble,,
here's standing alone and waiting the waves curse me become its sand..
no one's beside me!
and just painting myself on my hope well..
i wanna get myselfto forget you this moment!
here's damn..damn..damn...
let me erase myself to reincarnate!!!
I've got the black parades of my mind

sure, this is the life that I face.. where I stand, and where I get my breath away.. and the true is not always nice my feeling,, even it's sadness.. but, thet's better than lie,, just the black parades of my life,, sometimes I ask myself : "is there reincarnation for me??" it's the damn question, maybe.. but, impossible is nothing!!!!!! diging my brain to find the solution.. but, every my breath is the damn for this time! I wanna get the congclution of my life.. but it doesn't mean that I've died... I just need my rainbow to support me just for my smiLe.. believe or not ... but it drops me CRAZY!!!!

Rabu, 03 Desember 2008
Perbedaan antara POP email dan Web-based email :
2. Pop3 -> dapat membaca email secara offline, sedangkan email secara web harus tersambung dengan internet.
the meAning og FTP (file transfer protocol)
Senin, 24 November 2008
Dua Gajih Seorang Guru
Tatkala khayal mulai menenggelamkanku pada angan, pemikiranku mulai bermain. Biasanya sih, pas lihat salah seorang guru mengajar. Contohnya saja bila kulihat seorang guru yang tengah mempresentasikan ilmunya dengan kocak, mudah dimengerti, penuh kasih saying, dll, pasti dengan reflek, saya berkata, “Wah, nanti kalo udah gede, mau jadi bapak atau ibu itu ah…..”
Memang terbilang ceplas-ceplos. Namun cukup bermakna bagiku. Karena sulit sekali menemukan seorang guru yang kriterianya sesuai dengan keinginan kita. Di tengah mumetnya pelajaran, kita butuh seorang pendongkrak semangat yang terus perhatian sama kita. Yaitu sang guru, cahaya kejenuhan kita. Pengobar semangat tatkala susah atau sulit merubungi pikiran.
Ketika aku menjadi seorang guru kelak. Aku berandai mendapat dua gajih (seperti yang Mr.Benz katakana) dan menjadi seorang yang berarti serta suri tauladan bagi anak didikku. Memerankan dengan ikhlas. Berkawan dengan visi yang penuh amanah. Mencintai segala takdir yang kelak Allah kirim untukku.
Mengapa dua gajih? Yang pertama sebagai seorang manusia biasa, aku pasti membutuhkan materi demi menunjang hidup dan berserah diri atau ibadah kepada Allah. Istilah kasar yaitu uang. Jikala kelak aku mendapat banyak peran dalam roda kehidupan, otomatis bejibun tanggung jawab pasti beralaskan materi. Maka aku terus berusaha menggenggam uang dengan mengajar yang kelak jika terjadi. Yang kedua gajih akhirat. Sebetulnya tiada angan besar, selain ridho Allah SWT. Oleh karena itu, aku ikhlas mengemban tanggung jawab beserta konsekuensi menjadi seorang guru. Karena, menjadi seorang guru berarti kita mentransfer ilmu yang tak akan pernah punah. Pada dasranya, jika kita berhasil menyalurkan ilmu, maka anak didik kita juga akan menyalurkan lagi ke generasinya. Itu berarti ilmu yang bermanfaat serta nilai plus untuk kita.
Cederung menggampangkan. Tapi itu hanya suatu pengandaian. Entah kelak akan menjadi apa sesuai takdir. Apapun harapan, ikhlas patut dikerahkan. Ilmu landasan atau alas seluruh harapan. Visi, misi dan strategi hidup harus penuh keilmuan sejak visi tersebut tercetus.
Guru, menurutku kau tiang yang kompleks. Dengan ilmu yang rumit kau mendorong kami menuju gerbang sukses. Menjadi pena yang mengukir abadi dalam masa depan kami. Membantu kami mengukir kembali teloranmu pada generasi kami. Sungguh terpuji, wahai kau bapak dan ibu guru. Pelita hidup dengan berjuta ilmu.
Andai aku menjadi seorang guru kan ku kepakan sayap ilmu tanpa pelit sedikitpun. Mencetak kasih sayang agar muridku nyaman denganku. Ikhlas dan mengharap ridho Allah SWT.
Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008
guyZZZZ helPP me...
I DONT KNOW WHY GUYzzzz!!!!!!!!!
GUE TUCH UDAH coba beberapa kalle ngopy-in dr sinih-situh HTML'y ...
udah gue gantie pulla pke user name gwe..
truz udah gue online-in jg YM gwe'y ....
Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) Console

Product description: PSP comes in a black color, with a 16:9 widescreen TFT LCD centered in a sleek ergonomic design with a high-quality finish that fits comfortably in the hands. The dimensions are 170mm x 74mm x 23mm with a weight of 260g. PSP features a high-quality TFT LCD that displays full color (16.77 million colors) on a 480 x 272 pixel high-resolution screen. It also comes complete with the basic functions of a portable player such as built-in stereo speakers, exterior headphone connector, brightness control and sound mode selection. Keys and controls inherit the same operability of PlayStation® and PlayStation 2, familiar to fans all over the world.
Dedicated Ebook Readers

These are descendants of the Rocket and the SoftBook, built solely for the purpose of book reading. Typically, they are small, lightweight devices (usually with larger screens than PDAs and Pocket PCs) with backlit screens and embedded dictionaries. Often they enable searching, bookmarking and the ability to make annotations, and can either be connected to a PC or contain internal modems so that content can be downloaded from the Internet.
The SoftBook and the Rocket eBook sold less than 50,000 units between them [13], but the novelty of their design and availability of titles sparked interest and controversy and captured the imaginations of consumers and manufacturers around the world. In January 2000 Nuvomedia and SoftBook Press were acquired by Gemstar eBook Group, and the Rocket and the SoftBook are no longer manufactured.
RCA, through a licensing deal with Gemstar, now manufacture the REB1100 [14] and the REB1200 [15], which replace the Rocket and the SoftBook respectively. The REB1100 is the cheaper of the two, selling at around $300. It is slightly lighter than the Rocket, has a built-in modem and runs its own proprietary format. The REB1200 retails at $700 and has a large colour LCD screen. The REBs have combined projected 2001 sales of 3 million to 7 million units [16].
Other companies have joined the market, goReader perhaps being the most notable. The goReader is an OEB compliant ebook reader designed for university students, who obtain textbook content directly from the goReader Web site. The idea behind this device is that it will enable students to carry around all their textbooks for one semester (it has a 5GB hard drive and 32 MB DRAM) in one portable device weighing less than five pounds. Additional features, tailored to the student market, include a built-in calculator, calendar and electronic notepad.
Hybrid Devices

Several devices are emerging which cross these previously distinct boundaries between hardware designed especially for reading books, and hardware designed to perform personal organiser tasks, with ebook reading an added functionality. These “hybrid devices” look similar to dedicated readers, with larger screens intended for reading long streams of text, buttons placed for easy turning of pages, and with the usual ebook capabilities such as bookmarking and annotating, but may also contain address books and to do lists, and be used to perform the types of task normally associated with PDAs, such as email reading, Internet browsing and MP3 playing.
blackberry 7100

blackberry 7100 adalah handheld pertama yang menggunakan input method suretype, yang menonjolkan kepintarannya untuk memprediksikan apa yang akan kita ketik, tapi seperti tadi telah di singgung, sayang sekali tidak ada (atau belum) suretype dalam bahasa indonesia. untuk pengguna yang tidak biasa dengan input method suretype keypad bisa di set dengan menggunakan input multitap (seperti pada handphone), misalnya untuk input huruf s kita pijit tombol a sebanyak dua kali.
device spesifikasi secara singkat adalah sebagai berikut:
114 x 56 x 20 mm
120 g
Main Display
Colour LCD
240 x 260 pixels
65K colours
32 MB flash memory
up to 4 hr talktime
up to 190 hr standby
HTML browser
Instant Messaging
To-do list
Polyphonic ringtones
USB port
Downloadable games
Build-in handsfree
Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008

Buat orang - orang yang sudah kenal dunia web tentu tidak asing lagi dengan paket installasi Apace, PHP dan MySQL seperti XAMPP. Belum lama ini ada paket baru bernama PAMP(Personal Apache MySQL PHP).
Keistimewaan PAMP adalah paket ini disediakan untuk handphones “hah..!! webserver di handphone??. Yup paket ini bisa berjalan didalam handphone yang berplatform Symbian 3rd Edition dengan Memory 128MB.
Sebenarnya ini sangat berguna untuk orang - orang yang sangat mobile seperti jurnalis - jurnalis lapangan. Mereka bisa update berita langsung dari handphonenya, bisa streaming video langsung dari tempat kejadian. Selain itu disekitar anda juga pasti banyak orang yang sangat mengandalkan handphonenya untuk berbagai fungsi seperti email, notes, calendar dan lain - lain. Bagaimana bila suatu saat bepergian jauh, lalu handphone yang sangat penting itu tertinggal? PAMP jawabannya karena kita bisa remote handphone kita melalui internet, Jadi semua yang ada dihandphone bisa kita akses, menarik bukan?.
Rabu, 16 April 2008
I wish I could smile like before ..
show others all fun and have a good feeling ..
But fact says different ..
a part of mine go away ..
makes some distance between us !!
it's not my hope ..
my world is silent ..
Like cloud who fly lonely ..
no rainbow sees me on line ..
no promise ..
and a hole for greeting!
a closed window can't show it again ..
my smile only borns under yours ..
without you it's DETH ever !!!!!
Still I'm waiti'n ..
justice all my life ..
if you go away ..
I need to erase you from my soul ...
but I don't want to !!!!
Under your soul ..
my soul, so is yours ..!!!!!!!
Kamis, 06 Maret 2008

terpukul halus dengan tajam prilaku...
yang kian terbesit seperlihat....
meraung hati ini mendalam...
bara amarah menancap gas..!!!!!
sesekali ku berbaur,
tapi hati ini tak kuasabergetar tangis...!!
menjadi buronan pertanyaan,,,
kuhentakan diri jauh menyusur ...
tatkala derai tak terbendung...
bergegas tenang dengan angin yang memburu sepi!
menggugah hati menjadi yang terbaik,,
karena melihat tak selamanya benar!
terbuai nafsu selirik saja...!!
dari bongkahan suci yang terhianati,,,,,,
WHO IS HE?????
I KNOW....
Rabu, 30 Januari 2008
Two weeks ago, class 9 of Al muttaqin junior high school went to Yogyakarta for having a study tour. It was exciting for us, but beside it we might make some article of our journey in Yogyakarta. It make me so confuse. But I’ve many sweet memories there, in the bus, Borobudur temple, MONJALI, Malioboro, Mushafira hotel, Biology museum and Owabong.
Firstly, in the Tuesday night, I went to school for going to yogyakarta together. Before the bus checked out, we had briefing in the mosque that had been done by Mr. Bams and Mr. Irman. They told us about what must we do in Yogyakarta. And they led us praying to Allah for our safety in the trip. After that I and my friends took our photo by camera in front of the office, etc with various style.
About 10 pm the bus was coming. And we screamed happily because we would have a nice trip to yogyakarta. I put my bag in the baggage and had sat well on the chair of bus. We look so sleepy because it was night. So we have a nice slept for having a fresh body to continue our journey in study tour time. At the time the bus checked out from Al Muttaqin to Yogyakarta, and we said basmalah “bismillahirahmanirrahim”.
When I opened my eyes, it looked morning and we had come in Yogyakarta. That place looked so near from Borobudur temple for taking a rest there. I took a bath and had breakfast. After that, I called my father to tell him about my condition.
After I called my father, we went to Borobudur temple by walking because that place was so near from the resting place. I saw many statues and a half of them have not perfect. My teacher told me the reason of statues shortage because many people have stolen a half of them and broke them. Beside I studied about historical of Borobudur temple, I met a cute tourist from Japan. I don’t know what their name were and what they were talking about but I had done some communication with them by language differentiation. I knew it was so funny but they couldn’t to speak English and I couldn’t to speak Japan too. I just wanted to make that moment sweetly. And then I got photo with them and said “Peace….!!!!!!!!!”
Next we came back to the bus to continue our trip to MONJALI (Monumen Jogja Kembali). When we arrived there, Mr. Bams told us about anything that has been done by Jenderal Sudirman for getting Yogyakarta city in 6 hours from Netherlands with Gerilya war. He showed us that event from pictures, Biorama, and things of event leaving. It was exciting for me because I could know and see the historical of the Indonesian life, last time.
Then we went to Kali Urang tourism object to find a good place for having lunch and playing. The scenery of Kali Urang was so beautiful. And there were oscillations. I got in first and played it fast. I was so happy.
Because the time was over, so we went to Malioboro for shopping. But in Malioboro my uncle came and brought me to one place, where that place was available Bakpia Patuk 75 (the famous Bakpia in Yogya). He bought many Bakpias and wingko babats for my family in Ciamis. I was so happy, because I might not pay much money for buying it. And also I bought bracelets for my brother and my cousin.
About 6 pm, we went to Mushafira hotel for taking a rest there. I brought many things like bag, bakpia, etc to the hotel room. In one hotel room consisted of one group. My group consisted of me, Inggit, Arin, Fani, Gina S, Roro and Zahirah. In hotel room I chatted by hand phone, took a bath, dinner, and slept.
The next morning, we went to biology museum after I had took a bath and breakfast. I saw many animals that have used a preservative. I was very fear when I saw the durable lasting cat, because I don’t like a cat.
After that, we went to hotel for packing our clothes to check out from hotel to Owabong. In Owabong, I swam freely and slid from water boom to down by screaming loudly “WoOwW….!!”. I was so happy, because I could swim again after a long time. I could jumped to the pool too.
Last, after the schedule of study tour was finish, we went back home happily. We went back home and Yogya by bus. The bus consisted of 2 buses (for girls and for boys). And I arrived home about 11 pm. Next I went to my bedroom for sleeping long until 3 pm of the next day. I was so tired but happily too.